hello mission fans!
this week has been all over the place. Its really weird, cuz back in scottsdale I would have more to write about but for some weird reason my mind is just... drawing a blank, hmmm, it would be easier if we had more regular lessons.
unfortunately we lost an investigator, a kid named sergio who got cold feet we guess, he was very nice, but elder Major thinks he just got scared a bit and didn't wanna commit yet. unfortunately that was our park day so we walked all the way over there. so we had park day.... where we all park our cars and walk.. it was sunny and such which was sorta nice, but I like the clouds WAAAAY better. On top of that I walked the whole day, so yeah I was sorta tired and then the next day was bike day! I biked the next day. I relate my dislike of bikes to sherlock holmes distaste for horses. my companion zips by and I'm sitting there feeling like an idgit.
We met a wonderful investigator named Katisha, she has a boyfriend and they live together (can't wait for that discussion) she has had some unfortunate experiences with her old church which just kinda fell apart. something about the pastor getting a god complex or something.
Ashley and vadim almost broke up. (Vadim: he is about under five feet, but is possibly the THICKEST short people I have ever met... his back was like... I dunno, a russian munchkin bane! but he had this soft quiet voice that didn't match, he also has a huge stab gash in his gut, (we know this because earlier he had walked out with just his pants on) me and anderson were walking away and I was like 'dude, you didn't tell me he was all scarred up!' and anderson was like 'well how the heck would I know?!' I said, 'you've met him before!' Anderson said, 'yeah, but not with his shirt off!') They almost broke up about her possibly cheating on him (she wasn't, it was a misunderstanding and he had gotten drunk the night before and had said some dumb stuff -shrug-) no, ashley didn't stab him, it was an old scar.
so me and sabin bonded this week even though I shot him in the eye a bit. (I shot sabin in the eye with my nerf gun ^^''' mine has more power than their disk ones so... it still hurts even though it was a few days ago... and I don't think it diolates anymore ^^'''') but we'll see. he CAN be nice, but...
I got to see elder taylor and williams. I missed those guys so much. sundays are rough because 99% of the time I am not paying attention and we have TWO sessions we go to X.X but its nice.
so me and sabin bonded this week even though I shot him in the eye a bit. (I shot sabin in the eye with my nerf gun ^^''' mine has more power than their disk ones so... it still hurts even though it was a few days ago... and I don't think it diolates anymore ^^'''') but we'll see. he CAN be nice, but...
I got to see elder taylor and williams. I missed those guys so much. sundays are rough because 99% of the time I am not paying attention and we have TWO sessions we go to X.X but its nice.
okay, answering questions.
-pulls up list to look at them-
I am eating fine,.... ish..... either I eat something less than healthy or I don't have a meal XD I DID buy a bag of chicken breast so lunch I'm set.
99% of the time we are fed unless we get dropped in which case the member most likely gave us money to buy dinner. (we bought 2 deluxe papa murphys cook at home pizzas they were okay.)
I WANT to lose weight but everyone keeps giving me healthfacts that just make it all seem kinda hopeless but I try -shrug- I wanna buy more breakfast items (an I hope my chicken breasts arn't freezer burn't)
in any case not 100% active, its ups and downs during the week and I tend to miss you guys but I'm not quitting.
we were let in by a 'liberty study group' one day and it was nice, until the guy asked us if we had any 'questions' about our OWN religion, he tried to pull the 'where are the swords and coins of the nephites' bit, and then tried to tell us that the tower of babel happened BEFORE noah, like seriously?!?!
then chuckled when we said that nephi was brought in on a boat, the guy was a total schlub (on that note I want to say that he was infact rather nice, but he was a schlub because... I'll explain in a bit) cuz navigations weren't made till I dunno a several years after christ. I didn't say anything but after I was talking to major and I was like, 'if the lord can let a guy build a boat and put two of EVERY ANIMAL in it without being killed or mauled..... I'm pretty sure he can lead a freak'n boat.' people are adapting there ways of fighting and dissuading us. instead of 'bible bash' its 'dialogue' its bologna. granted its his JOB to do this, he's a 'youth minister' so yeah not impressed. there are those in life who THINK they are educated when in reality they are not. just the way this man tried to teach proved that he had no faith in the lord and depended on his own knowledge of what was possible. basically philosophies of men mingled with scripture.
it was crap -.- in anycase I was happy to disect that even though it irritated me.
I GOT ALL OF SAVANNAHS LETTERS!!!!!! 8D it was so good to here from her X3 I try to keep her in my thoughts during the down time or before I go to bed ^^
I have about seven minutes left so I will continue to answer questions.
I am alive, a bit depressed at times but I'll live. I am a bit conflicted and confused often, but once I get my own companion I will be able to put my world back together again. everything I knew about the spirit is kinda flipped all over and my understanding/reality is kinda blown around so I gotta work on that.
I sent ethan a letter that will hopefully help him. CRAP! I forgot to write to village vista. I will hopefully do that next week.
we have a car C.D. player. also, I can email anybody so I wrote savannah a bit to ease her and make her feel better. please help to assure her that I will be sending letters to her personally as well, infact those will probably have more length and meaning than the other ones.
remember to send corn beef hash! as well as an auto nerf-gun XD
(the nerf-gun is debatable XD)
and tell savannah to PLEASE write me. I really really like her in a missionary way..... okay you know what I mean.
okayloveyouallpeaceout HUP!
P.S. Happy birthday to the most wonderful mom in the world
I am so appreciative of all of your guy's support and look forward to mail and P-days so I can hear from you all.
love, Elder J smart.