heyo once again mission fans!!!
Its me, your ever beloved Elder Smart - here to write you another report on this weeks events.
So far we have had a week of major UPS and major DOWNS.
Upside, we got quite a few new investigators, and it was either this week or the last that I gave out five book of mormons.... Time certainly has lost its depth and perception here. Gosh I can't even think of what to write right now. Oh! I can answer questions!
For starts, food is up and down XD I didn't stock up on vittles the week prior and had to scrounge off of the left overs of elder white. During this process I realized that A: I actually like smoked kippers....and second.... I think you are SUPPOSED to eat anchovies with the bones in them.... over all I have been rather hungry.
This next segment goes to tondi
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the pumpkin cookies! I still have a whole bag left and they take WAY longer to go bad than regular cookies. I had had a rough sunday and was feeling kinda lonely and blue that day so I went in to eat some from what I thought was my last bag of pumpkin cookies, only to (to my absolute giddy glee ness) find ANOTHER bag that I could savor also I would like to ask how that hobbes is coming along XD
I got 2 letters this week.
One that mom sent directly to my adress, the second from the mission home (we had splits with the A.P.'s and anderson and major forgot to mention they had stashed my bag and scriptures in the back of their car -.-' BUT they brought mail when they came over) yay! thank you momma! BUT the rest of you are in trouble. I still write you guys but I won't send if I don't receive comprende?! In anycase, still nothing from Savannah - Are you gonna go and marry Aaron instead??? Q3Q XD
In all honesty letters would not (hopefully) be to heavy of a distraction. if anything they would boost my confidence and I wouldn't feel as lonely on my bad days ^^ So keep'm com'n folks!
To answer dads question, it indeed feels WAY different from the six week.... the situations are different and they are not as strict which I constantly strain about because if they are so lax then how do we do our job???
ontop of that sabin WAS apostate (meaning he did a pissy Job at being obedient.) and its discouraging because he treats me like a greenie (which emotionally I am NOT) I try really really hard no to be a bugger -shrug- but sometimes I get rather depressed.
It says in the hand book not to talk about negative things about the mission and I'm not sure what they mean by that -.- I'm sure in A.Z. it would mean the strictest definition, but president weaver is WAY different. the weavers believe that the mission should be fun 0.0
I guess my only worry is that I will stop being me to fit in with my companions. (don't get me wrong they are great missionaries and guys, its just... they aren't quite like me XP) so I struggle to maintain who I am, the problem with a mission is that if you do not keep the spirit with you then it can completely destroy your association with religious and spiritual feelings, which I theorise to be the reason disobedient elders go inactive or apostate.
(on top of that there are times where I swear the field can drive you insane.)
I (on occasion) have to deal with my stress which builds up and of course gets my brain running and thinking things that arn't real,but I am aware of that so I'm still chill.
We had a great lesson with a lady named katisha... I forget that name on a regular basis -.- As well as Ryan thompson who I taught personally.
(it was funny cuz I used the dentists analogy and they thought it was funny and they took a moment to laugh and tease each other. Who knew that people were still so scared of dentists XD... kinda like how I dislike ENTs now who like to cautrize your nose!
I haven't gotten my bike yet, its probably at the office, I'll check with them.
HEY! did you guys know that Nate has kin down here?!?!?! I met his brother during church during ward council. He was like "and your related to the greenes?" and I was like, 'wait he knows the greenes? how the heck does he know that??' I had seen his folder say Judd and I had wondered if he was related and son-a-biscuit he was! the first thing i said was, 'wow... you didn't get any of nates gingerness... like at all....' I had (for the longest time) been under the impression that nate was in fact part of a clan of hybrid leprecauns, so this was a surprise. Just kidding!
We had quite a few bozo's when we went knocking... well I shouldn't say bozo's just meanies. One opened the door after we knocked and stuck her head out and said. "no one answered, take a hint!" then closed the door.... as we were walking away I was like "we knocked a second time... take a hint."
the other one was a stereo typical christian hate monger. first thing she asked us was what did john... something said (the lord gave his begotten son and etc) of course anderson was able to tell her except for the less important parts close to the end. she didn't make sense at first cuz she used that reference but her point was at the whole 'don't add to the bible' shepeal. -.-
she was rather turdish and avoided answering the question that if God gave her new scriptures would she take it. then she went on about how she had heard the testimonies of X-mormons... psh, Ex-mormons don't have testimonies thats why they are X-mormons.
also, people up here have no concept of the difference of Solicitng and PROSOLYTING!!!! -.- obnoxious, however I was appreciative of the fact that there were several signs that said. 'no religious zealots' so kudos to them for the use of creativity and vocabulary.
I was surprised as I sat down to realise the man to my right smelled a whole lot like wet dirt 0.0 must have been a hippy or a tree hugger 0.0 far oooout duuude!
bugger I'm running out of time XP
I should probably end with some direct notes.
first of all the church is true.
second. for the love of all elders WRITE ME LETTERS GOSH DARN IT!
and third I love you all ^^
thats all I got for today folks.
Elder Smart
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