its your ever exaggeratable, dual decade old - Elder Smart!
SO, momma wants me to write things in a certain format, so as to maintain the crazies
How I'm feel'n. WIGGITY!
I went on a exchange with my district leader elder platero, he was really funny. We had loads of fun... and some weird momments too. I got hugged alot and beat up on by a crazy family during that time.
Jones and I have our good and bad moments
whew, this week has been crazy, like not busy crazy, but like cooped up in your head have no idea what your doing crazy. I have been very out of it. Tired, often kinda worn out. As far as the Lord goes, momma it isn't the Lord's fault as far as him taking care of me, I'm alive and doing alright, I'm just worn out I guess I don't know how to balance stuff out quite yet. (I sent him a letter saying that at first I thought The Lord wasn't taking care of him till I realized The Lord was putting him with the companions he needed to have so he could grow.)
A lot of home stuff is slipping into my mind because of being relatively worn out. P-days are a bit harder cuz I don't enjoy what alot of other people enjoy.
One minute I feel like a good elder and talk and help an all that, but then I worry that I'll forget how to do things I'll need when I get back, then I get that all settled, but then I feel all distracted soooo I am rather conflicted.
I loved the birthday presents and cards from everyone. I loved getting the smoked kippers though I haven't eaten them yet but I will! I think I have a box waiting for me at the post office. I miss you guys quite a bit... there have been times since I've been out here where I felt like I wasn't quite ready for this, I wanna stay home and be your little boy just for a little bit longer, but then I fear I would just end up as a nobody. -shrug- I got a letter from Savannah an it made me feel really good an I felt really sure about us.
(yeah I know I know I'm not suppose to think about those things, but it makes me feel good) but she seems really down so I guess I'll have to go back to praying for her every night.
things have been a bit slow... well alot slower. I try, but me and Jones have a hard time talking, we had a disagreement about a lady and he got huffy again and we didn't even do our weekly planning, I wrote down our goals and who to focus on but thats it. There are times where I feel like a bad missionary, I am great at talking to the mission families but not so much spiritually... I kinda feel like I lost my drive a bit, not that I give up but the energy isn't there.
My back is also really tense apparently, Jones gave it a massage and popped it kinda like you do (except a bit to hard once so now I worry about that.) He also says I'm the most unbalanced person he's ever met, meaning like my physical and internal balance are out of tune... like emotionally I guess. So because I am emotionally out of balance I get body pains etc etc... didn't really explain it well.
So honestly I have been worn out, mentally I haven't been all there and I'm starting to space out. Jones has asked a couple times if I'm okay but honestly I just don't know some times. I fear I may be losing my grip a bit. HOWEVER a letter I got from mom at least made me feel a little better.
okay folks heres the RANT!
I don't think I will ever under stand Washingtonian logic. See, they have TWO dumpsters that are the exact same color at out complex, how the heck do I figure which is which!?! on top of that, we're walking around and then I see TWELVE dumpsters lined up in a row on the side of the street and they're all the same color. Back home we only had 2 trash cans, one for trash, one for recyclable... you wanna know how I know that? Because they're DIFFERENT COLORS!!!! for the love of bacon!!! at least put a STICKER on the side!
But NO, lets instead tape a piece of PAPER on it!!! its WASHINGTON! IT RAINS EVERY FLIPP'N DAY and you expect a piece of paper to stay COHERENT on it?!/!?!
ehm.... anyway, next subject ^^
I had like the BEST birtday ever on my mission!!!!! So, friday night we ate at the Scotts an I got a cake and candles AND they sang. (sure it was a lemon cake and it was originally for her dad, but what the heck) and I got like five members that came up to me on sunday and wished me happy birthday BUT the real deal didn't start until I went to the Daniels..... we walked in and were lead to the table where everything was set up... on the counter there were two platefuls of flank steak... but that wasn't even the half of it! The table was FULL by the time they were done placing all of the food items. Baked potatos, shrimp salad, steak, and ALASKAN CRAB it was HUGE!!! I had a claw and a leg!!!! It was such a beastly meal... you could have written an ol nordic war song outta it, it was so intense!!! and THEN they brought a cake! They had everything! lemon sauce for the crab, the little crab crackers and.. and..... I think I just passed out from remembering it all! It was great! I was soooo happy! It was awesome!!!!
SO! I forgot something for my birthday list!
this goes to savannah so she can send it to orange, darcie arleady has my request. ask Orange if she can draw a medley of our characters for my birthday! anyway I'll send my 'hold onto till I get back' list via snail mail.
hmmmm how have I seen the spirit.... well here in gig harbor its a little all over the place - the members are GREAT and very very friendly so at least I have a patient area. I'm still in one piece so ya I got that going for me as far as the Spirit goes.
I've been thinking about some of the stuff me and Platero were talking about as far as conversation skills. There's this ted and ting thing where ting is the guy who talks alot and tries to be the main of the conversation etc etc... I often wonder if thats why no one liked me in highs chool or at least didn't want anything to do with me. but hey, thats just a thought -shrug- whooo knows.
anyway, things I need to remember:
pray for Savannah, and pray for dad. I was wondering when you would start looking for a new J.R. dad its been awhile, its hard finding smart guys you can trust.
well, so far we have quite the teaching pool... unfortunately not from all of our walking. I swear this place is MESSED UP with hills!!!! Tracting can turn into a 4 hour nature hike!!!!! its crazy!
I'm in the book of helman, and I honestly don't enjoy it. I was reading and was thinking about Moroniha, the son of moroni... this guy had to put up with ALOT of crap! Sure, Moroni did a lot of cool things, but he only had to deal with war and the king-men twice! His son had to deal with SO much more crap!
politics, abomination a weak moral structure in the society and parts of government it was a stick'n mess!!!!
I think we had a knock'n (I'm assuming it's tracting) that ended up with like two bad eggs in one street. One was an OLD old guy who was about to marry a mormon but printed out twenty questions (like the cheap shot questions) and then told us if we would just throw out the book of mormon we would be fine christians... Jones was talking to him and was kinda defensive, he's a strong elder but age has turned him less patient so he promptly told the guy that he (the old guy) basically didn't want to know if the church was true and promptly walked away.... I stayed and was polite for the image of the church.
and the old guy apologized for hurting 'jones feelings' but I told him that if anything, this has just made us stronger, said goodbye and left.... Then we knocked into an old atheist guy who recommended we study the christian history. Why do smart people always think we're dumb? anyway, time is ticking!
Orange I wanna hear from yoooou darcie toooo! and my family!
Special thank you's to the Sampson's who knew what I wanted and delivered with a surprise of measuring cups! malto-meal was WAY more successful this round! aha!
I loved all my birthday presents especially the 2 cases of toilet paper from my Mom and all the party favors were lots of fun.
alright! well thats all folks see ya next week PEACE OFF- HUP!