Monday, April 8, 2013

Letter #5

HEY mission fans!

alrighty, well, first off a special thanks to my momma for writing me this week! its always wonderful to hear from you all.  Well, lets see if I can remember what happened this week and synopificate (this is a Joshua-ism.  Joshua-isms are words he makes up to fit into his conversations and sometimes they are really weird, okay most times they are really weird) it.

Monday.... P-day, played fiasco bought 2 gallons of milk as well as as lettuce, patties and tomatos and buns.  Had a lot of fun/boredom at the same time (I always make the best sense) aside from that not much, this week was a smidge more trunky than I would like to admit.

TUESDAY: we traded off major for the day with Johnson who was elder andersons boy and our current district leader. he is incredibly funny, but alas, I am still socially awkward and have seem to have lost what ever touch of comedy I somewhat sorta had so it was a rather lonely week - a rather common deal for me, which is why I enjoy mail! so keep that in mind!
this was also when I got paired with sabin pretty much the entire blankity blank'n day. since it was a ZL DL transfer so yippee, I did a lot of the talking which brings us to our JERK OF THE WEEK!   -the hiss and boo sign-

this week we had a jerk, well two of them - the first laughed at us and said he wasn't interested especially if there wasn't any booz involved - oookay then.
The NEXT one opened the door, his phone in his hand and looked at us just as amused as the last but instead tried to use a joke.
JOTW:  whats the difference between a moron and a Mormon?
Me&sabin: .... (didn't say a thing?)
JOTW:  an M......     I'm busy on the phone guys maybe another time. - and  closes door-

We of course turn to leave... and then I chuckle.  I said, "that was the best he could come up with??"  Then Sabin came up with a come back (we are so tough) Whats the difference between a moron and a Mormon? two to three feet.... get it? the guy was like three feet away? ha ha ha - It made us laugh anyway.

alright, so WEDNSDAY 
..... um... snap what did we do.... we got major back and it went pretty normal, but Anderson and major went to a DIFFERENT District meeting so it was me and sabin again.... sooo ya.  however things did go pretty well because he apologized for being a jerk!  I also talked to president and he said sister weaver would call me to set up an appointment... you only see a councilor three times and if he feels you need more than that they ship you home.... anyway! ^^ this week has been rough on all of us in a way.  Major had an identity crisis, Anderson and Sabin have been grumpy at each other an I still barely fit in   But we ate at carls junior for district lunch so yea!  No mail that day.

Not a whole lot happened that day, I think we mostly did contacting and such.
OH! we talked to Hugh, Hugh is a black dude that lives with Jamie, (I think I mentioned this in a letter to savannah or to mom) but they live together soley for the sake of money purposes, there is no relationship... at least that's what they have told us.  Its funny we're giving the lesson and hugh is very active -  he talked spiritually and practically went along with everything!   He practically said something that major says almost EVERYTIME - he believes in getting his OWN premonitions via study and prayer....he even said at the end, "if God wants me to be a mormon, then heck I'll be a mormon"  I love that guy, especially since he calls  me the body guard!  (story in previous letter.)

Major and Anderson where gone till 4!!!!! They had a big ZL council deal going on and it was just the two of us.... he wasn't very helpful for a big ol' part of it.  We finished the white hand-book, which I was kinda hoping we coulda done that as a companionship, then spent most of the day setting up appointments and etc.  We visited Michelle and Seth, well Michelle actually but we have 2 michelles so its hard to differentiate via mail... oh wow I have terrible spelling.  anway when we came to michelles home it was a bit wildish and it reminded me of home.  Michelle is so freakishly close to baptism!!!!  We visited with her and tried to figure out when the on the meal calendar she would feed us. (turned out it was tomorrow but we forgot to tell her) she is REALLY good at reading people... I said the closing prayer before we left and when I was done she said that stuff sometimes just came to her and  she hoped that I wouldn't be upset when she said I shouldn't be so hard on myself, that I am such a happy guy, she said she knew I had been struggling internally.. but that I don't show it.  I swear I almost felt like crying, but I didn't, but I felt really good too.

watched the sessions of conference which were really fun, I can't really remember ALL that was said but I know that I watched and was very receptive.  president monson just gets funnier everytime I see him! president uchtdorf is my favorite,  as always.  Michelle came to last session on  sunday.
 we didn't remind  her that dinner was that day so she made ham instead of the briquet  BUT she did make twice baked potatoes!  Her husband was really cool too he's part of the 'cavalry'.  anywho, Major and he talked about plays for awhile but as we were getting  ready to leave she told her spouse and children to go so she could speak to us.  She basically said she felt something more than she did anywhere else and that she had sat in the chapel and cried and that the lord had told her that if she wanted to feel this way she should go here and just as we were expecting her to say she wanted to get baptized.  she apologized for not praying with us and she had felt bad when we came to visit yesterday then she turned and looked at me, and put a hand on my shoulder, she had felt that she had needed to give me that 'touch' basically that something I needed to feel better and more at home here. It meant a lot to me, she's really a sweet and funny lady.

GAH! time she is a burning! QUICK mini-notes.

orange, mail me as soon as you get to your new base.
Darcie, thank you for your patience I hope to hear form you soon ^^
Savannah hang in there <3
Jessah moo I miss you!
Aaron, buck up dude you look like a moper and for the love of cheese MAIL me ya mook!
somebody gimme hayden address so I can mail him too!

Elder Smart

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