Monday, May 6, 2013

Letter #9

Joshua's 9th Letter

Here is another weekly update!
I am worn out!  We have tracted ALL over the place,  done ALOT of service and I broke my companion for a day.

Jones and I, we have our momments where we get along fine, but he's kinda hard core sometimes and it stresses and actually gets on my nerves, he's a great elder and all but... man yesterday was kinda rough... I was struggling with a bit of my OCD and Jones was asking me to give a percentage of how much I think about how much do I think about home and missionary work.
it sounded like he was warming up for a lecture, I have had a rough week and I've kinda been struggling.

Jones is DEEEEEP DEEP spiritual, he gave up everything 2 years before his mission and all that stuff he's read it 22 times, but he doesn't understand how differently people deal with things.  He used to kinda give me grief in front of people about how messy I was and it kinda bugged me, but after our little devotional and I ended up sitting alone on the bus (I was in front of the sisters who were nice so I was okay) but he apologized how he had kinda treated me.

Jones felt really overwhelmed after we had a long talk and he had also been really stressed out the day before and had to stop and I had to drive for a bit because he was feeling dizzy and really REALLY out of it so we had stopped at a members to get him water, then the next day we had kinda a comp inventory and it had been slightly intense, we then go tracting (Jones favorite activity) and he suddenly calls it short which kinda baffled me cuz we hadn't even gone that far.

So we get back to get jones water and he plops on the couch and passes out. An hour and a half later he sits up REALLY trippy look'n and then accepts the offer I gave him for a blessing a while back.  We then get up get ready to go and then he looks at me and kinda sheepishly and out of it asks if he can lay down for a bit.  Maaaannn it was weird.

I wrote about 3 letters during this time, then sat and talked with him since I was a bit worried.  He said he felt like a total out of body experience. all he could do was talk and, we chatted for a bit.  I spoke a bit more about my issues and at one point he asked me to pull out my preach my gospel, which I did and turned to the page 186.... read the beginning of it.

I try my best, an i know I'm not as Gung-ho as other elders, I didn't come out here singing I hope they call me on a mission and feeling like all my dreams had come true, but I do what I can to be loyal to the Lord.

We helped a nice lady named Meg scrape off the Moss off of her roof, which was a bit spooky at first, sitting next to the edge, I asked Jones how to clean out a gutter and his first thought was 'does this guy not know anything about manual labor?'  He then courteously remembered I was from Arizona which the gutters serve a very non-fulfilling  life. But yeah we used a shovel to scrape it off of the roof.

I  think I may have gotten a couple unwelcomed advances from a very excited pit-bull...  Whether he was hitting on my or not I may never know or want to know, but he was rather excitable, the lady also had like 5 weener dogs and one of them was missing an eye... he was cool but kinda creepy ta look at!

The Ivey family seemed uninterested in Jones opinion this week but when we had dinner over at there place they talked about how they ALL had ADD and just liked talking about things.   I was like, oh yeah I can understand that!  We also met an awesome older guy by the name  Chuck Meachum!   He's a wonderful old dude who's done ALOT of stuff.   He was a Marine raider in WWII and has kept the association alive which is now run by his son, also named chuck.  We met him when he called the church saying he needed some help with his garden and we were more than willing.   Ironically  we had Knocked into his sons house and met his son chuck already.  We had given him a card with our number on it but he was out of town and didn't tell his dad.  Anyway he and his wife are nice, after we helped with his garden we helped out with his family service work.  So basically Jones works on his computer and i sit and play with his old FREAKISHLY HUGE scissors. 

We went to the temple this week and as always I kinda struggled with it. It doesn't help that its been sunny and shiny all week.  However it was BEAUTIFULLY cloudly on temple day.  I kinda wish we could do baptisms for the dead instead of endowments I've always loved baptisms for the dead.

I got a lot of grief because of all the packages I got for my birthday but I don't care cause I know I'm loved!  Thanks Grandma Smart for sending me the cookies and stuff.  I waited till I got some milk to eat them.

Elder Smart

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