Questions I asked Joshua and he sent back the reply:
1. For your 6th month mark did you burn or destroy anything? Like a tie . . .
You were right Mom, I didn't!
2. Are you till Studying Preach My Gospel?
Yes, but I'm not a good studier!
3. Are you still losing weight?
I'm at 210 (He was almost 240 when he went out)
4. What is your greatest strength on your mission?
Long suffering?? Aside from that, I honestly don't know.
5. Can you tell that you have grown as a man? Are their any positive things that
have happened that make you want to be an adult?
(He as always said that he didn't want to be an adult because adults don't
have any fun!)
Not in the ways I wanted. I am still struggling with growing up, life is hard.
6. What is your favorite meal that you have learned to cook?
Chicken and Pork and Papa Murphy's Pizza
7. Have you eaten anything strange?
8. What is the best lesson you've learned to teach?
The restoration and the plan of salvation
9. Do you still have nerf gun wars?
Sometimes, but not lately. Sometimes we do, anderson likes to shoot us
but I get shot less since I have a bigger gun than them!
10. On a daily basis, are you usually happy. What can you do to continue to stay
happy no matter what happens around you.
I don't know about happy, I'm not sad though, I just survive till the end of
the day. I don't know, I just want things to feel normal and I get more and
more anxious as change happens, it really scares me. But there are some
good times too.
11. Has your testimony grown? Only answer this if you feel it has and not just
because you think it's something I want to hear?
I guess it really has - some things don't feel as special but I know a lot
more things.
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