MOM!!!! I'm being transfered!!!
I am going to stadium to be with elder williams, I was kinda sad but in funny news Mossbrucker is the new zoneleader replacing lonas XD
he didn't sound very excited but he'll do a good job.
I'm not very good at being tidy or on time with things and lonas and anderson have a tendency to lose patience with me in some ways.
this transfer has been rough because that mixed with thoughts and the feelings that come with them...
Lonas says that I WANT to be miserable, (I talk to he and anderson frequently about my problems) and they give me solutions that to me don't feel like they relate....wait wait wiat forget all this!
I Got the coolest story ever!
okay fans here we go!
SO, this transfer we have had little to NO baptisms in lakewood which is crazy because its SUPPOSED to be a very high baptising area.
BUT yesterday we walked in to church just me and elder Toni because anderson and Lonas don't like meetings so we did the ward meeting.
that ended and we were walking around talking to the memebers in the ward being nice an all and a member of older age asks us to come to the foyer to talk with us, he asks us to sit down on the couch.
of course my first impression was that we were going to get chewed out for something we had no idea of, but president eely sits down and tells us this story.
he had been teaching in china for 7 years prior to being back in the states, he told us that one of his students was coming whom he hadn't seen in FIVE years, so he told us about china's rules and laws and how you can't talk about your religion there if your a foriegner etc etc etc, BUT this morning he had been talking to zhong mou (jon meowis a close pronounciation) and he said that he wanted to becoem a memeber!!!!! so we quickly walk in to the bishops office and make this crazy plan!
chase (jon meow) was destined to be a historiean in china's eyes to which he refused and went to president eely who really didn't have that much time to teach him and... crap I gotta fast forward here!!!!
okay so we came out after planning to skip the other two hours of church to sit and just teach jon all that we knew, wehn we came out we told anderson and lonas and naturally we were all freakishly excited.
(I was actually kinda surprised at how eager we all were I thought maybe rules would get in the way but skip that man!!)
we taught him (I giving out what I could betwixt anderson and lonas)
and then we quickly went to the elly home (which was amazing...!!!)
it was all so cool!
we taught him some of the commandments and gaaaaah so many details guys!!!
so etc etc etc.
it was unconventional... which come to think of it is everything I do so what the heck.
I had to redo it because he would tuck his knees in and he didn't quite 100% get the procedure so when I baptised him for the second time I saw his knees start to go up to which I pushed all of him down before he went back up.
funny thing is he's a member of the communist party!!
but thats just because of his job which is part of the biggest news paper in the world AND biggest T.V.station.
he says the only time he remembers he's a communist is when he gets the bill to pay the membership XD
GAAAh so many cool stuff!
BUT thats all I can give via email folks!
Elder J Smart
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